Cursos de Verano Olavide en Carmona

[:en]Last Thursday 7th of July our founding partner, Angel Vallejo, participated in the 14th edition of the Summer Courses Olavide in Carmona of the University Pablo Olavide. Angel took part in a round table under the name «Major cyber-risks and cyber-threats» within...

Premios Expansión Jurídicos

[:en]The paper Expansión held on June the 23 a gala dinner at the Royal Theatre in Madrid to present its «Ist Legal Expansion Awards for Excellence in the Practice of Business Law». MAIO Legal was nominated with other firms to «Disclosure Law Firm» award. Finally, ...

Acto de presentación de MAIO Martínez Escribano

[:en]MAIO Legal integrates the Sevillian office Martinez Escribano, in this way MAIO Martínez Escribano has appear. The integration has been sealed the Thursday 2nd of June in a launch ceremony of the firm in the Alfonso XIII hotel in Seville. The master of ceremonies...