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Ramón Amoedo | Partner

Criminal, Regulatory Compliance


+34 98 612 01 70


Ramón is a founding partner of the Vigo Law Firm. Previously, he was a partner of LEALTADIS ABOGADOS (2008-2013) BAP ABOGADOS (2003-2008), having started his professional career in the family law firm founded in his day by his grandfather, who was also the founder and Dean of the Vigo Bar Association. 

He has more than 25 years of professional practice in Courts of the criminal, civil and contentious-administrative jurisdiction, although in recent years he has focused his work exclusively on criminal proceedings.

He has provided external advice to different Galician City Councils, both on urban, property and criminal matters. Having intervened on his behalf before Courts or before other Administrations.

In the criminal field, during his more than 25 years of practice he has handled all kinds of matters, although in recent times he has specialized in crimes committed within the company (crime against the Public Treasury, against Social Security, against workers’ rights, urban or environmental crimes, corporate crimes, crimes of unfair administration, etc.), crimes committed by Officials and Authorities (bribery, prevarication, embezzlement of public funds, prohibited negotiations for officials), and in general economic crimes (fraud, misappropriation, corruption in business). He has also been a lawyer in different cases of crimes against people, crimes against public health, crimes against industrial or intellectual property or money laundering.

Due to his extensive knowledge of the criminal risk of companies, for years he has implemented Compliance Programs in companies in different sectors (food, canning, construction, public works, etc.).

He has been a speaker at different meetings and conferences referring, among others, to criminal liability of the legal person or criminal liability in construction (administrators, managers, preventive resources).

Academic background

He studied Law at the University of León.

Opponent to the Scale of Technician of General Administration of Local Corporations.

Courses of Prevention of criminal responsibility of the legal person.






Spanish Compliance Association