Mariona Comas

Mariona Comas

Home | Archive for "Associate" professionals Mariona Comas | Associate, Associate Employment Sevilla +34 954 98 79 14        Mariona is an associate in the Employment area of ​​the Seville office. A practicing lawyer since 2010, Mariona...
Leticia Méndez

Leticia Méndez

Home | Archive for "Regulatory Compliance" professionals Leticia Méndez | Associate, Associate Civil Litigation, Criminal, Regulatory Compliance Sevilla +34 954 98 79 14        Leticia is an associate of the Seville office, having...
Adrián García

Adrián García

Home | Archive for "Tax"Page 2 professionals Adrián García | Associate Tax Sevilla +34 95 498 79 14        Adrián is an associate in the Tax area of ​​the Seville office. He began his professional career in 2013, as a lawyer...
Marta Fernández Tabarés

Marta Fernández Tabarés

Home | Archive for "Vigo"Page 2 professionals Marta Fernández Tabarés | Associate, Associate Tax Vigo +34 98 612 01 70        Marta is an associate, and works in the Tax department in the Vigo office. With more than 13 years of...
Pablo Segui

Pablo Segui

Home | Archive for "Madrid" professionals Pablo Segui | Associate Banking and Finance, Commercial and Business, Mergers and Acquisitions Madrid +34 91 103 59 07        Pablo has been an associate in the Mercantile area of ​​MAIO Legal...