We have extensive experience in legal counselling and from a multi-disciplinary team capable of providing comprehensive advice to parties that may be affected in the event of an economic crisis.
We advise both national and international companies from both the point of view of the creditor insofar as defending their interests as well as from that of the debtor with the objective of helping them to overcome their economic difficulties. Our clients include debtors, national and international financial institutions, investment and capital risk funds and commercial creditors, among others.
We work pro-actively to defend the economic interests of our clients
Ángel Márquez
Partner | SEVILLE
Carmen Pérez Andújar
Partner | MADRID
Luís Mascarenhas Gaivão
Partner | LISBON
Counselling on bankruptcy procedures and pre-bankruptcy proceedings include:
‒ Assistance at all types of bankruptcy proceedings during all their phases with special emphasis on the part of qualification and the defense of reintegration actions
‒ Diagnosis of the situation of insolvency and development of a debt refinancing process
‒ Restructuring and bankruptcy agreements
‒ Liquidation of companies, advice on the sale process of business units
‒ Operations involving both the sale purchase of assets within a context of a crisis or insolvency, as well as purchasers of assets
‒ Undertaking the role of bankruptcy Administrator
‒ Advice on the subject of the liability of administrators arising from insolvency procedures