by CaroCasanovas | Feb 20, 2023
Home | Archive for "Mergers and Acquisitions" PROFESIONALES Ana Maria Dias | Of Counsel Commercial and Business, Data Protection and Information Society, Mergers and Acquisitions, Regulatory Compliance Lisboa +351 21 382 78 40 ...
by CaroCasanovas | Nov 30, 2022
Home | Archive for "Madrid" PROFESIONALES Adrián Navarro | Junior Banking and Finance, Commercial and Business, Mergers and Acquisitions Madrid 91 577 50 20 Adrián Navarro es Máster en Derecho por la Universidad Carlos III de...
by CaroCasanovas | May 20, 2022
Home | Archive for "Commercial and Business" PROFESIONALES Jesús García Salvo | Junior Civil Litigation, Commercial and Business, Mergers and Acquisitions Zaragoza 976 794 888 Jesús es abogado especializado en Derecho...
by CaroCasanovas | Mar 10, 2022
Home | Archive for "Commercial and Business" PROFESIONALES Tadeo Álvarez | Partner Commercial and Business, Insurance, Mergers and Acquisitions Mexico City 555 254 58 54 Formación Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad...
by CaroCasanovas | Feb 7, 2022
Home | Archive for "Tax" PROFESIONALES Luís Mascarenhas Gaivão | Partner Commercial and Business, Mergers and Acquisitions, Tax Lisboa +351 21 382 78 40 Luis is a lawyer since 2009 and is one of the partners of the Lisbon office of...